Pregnancy Fitness Archives - Sat, 28 May 2022 06:17:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pregnancy Fitness Archives - 32 32 161006696 The Truth About Exercise Balls and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know Sat, 28 May 2022 06:17:39 +0000 When you are pregnant, there are a lot of things to worry about. But did you know that an exercise ball could be one of the best tools you have during your pregnancy? An exercise ball, also known as a stability ball or birthing ball, can be used for a variety of exercises and activities...

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When you are pregnant, there are a lot of things to worry about. But did you know that an exercise ball could be one of the best tools you have during your pregnancy?

An exercise ball, also known as a stability ball or birthing ball, can be used for a variety of exercises and activities that will help keep you healthy and comfortable during your pregnancy.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you want to know about exercise balls and pregnancy including how to use them during pregnancy and the benefits they offer.

We will also share some safe exercises to do on a stability ball during your prenatal fitness plan, explain how to effectively use a birthing ball during labor, and even teach you how valuable a stability ball can become in your life after your baby is born.

**This post might contain affiliate links to items I own and love and feel will benefit you immensely. Read full disclosure here.**

exercise ball during pregnancy labor uses and exercises

Can You Use an Exercise Ball While Pregnant?

The short answer is yes! Exercise balls are perfectly safe to use during pregnancy as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. Also if you have a high-risk pregnancy or any concerns, please first check with your trusted prenatal doctor or midwife to be sure that using an exercise ball during pregnancy is right for you.

First, make sure that the exercise ball you purchase is the right size for your height.

When sitting on the ball, your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Must exercise balls are measured in centimeters and come in increments of 10 centimeters starting at 45 cm and going up to 75cm.

You can find exercise balls at most sporting goods stores or online. I recommend getting a professional-grade ball that is made from anti-burst material. But don’t worry, even an anti-burst ball is super cheap. You can get a good quality exercise ball for around $15 on Amazon or in most stores.

I just buy mine on Amazon these days as it is such an essential piece of equipment in our household. Is it because I’m pregnant?

Nope, not anymore! Read on to find out how a simple exercise ball can be helpful from pregnancy through postpartum (where I’m at).

Second, when you are using the exercise ball during pregnancy, make sure that it is firm.

Though you might not feel it at first, when using an exercise ball for bouncing that is not inflated enough, you will put too much pressure on your spine. Over time this can cause pain or even lead to injury.

Third, avoid balancing exercises on a ball during pregnancy.

There are many balance exercises that you will find when looking up different exercises to do on an exercise ball. Many challenge your balance, which is why they are also referred to as stability balls.

While there are many pregnancy-safe exercises you can do on your exercise ball during pregnancy (as we will share later on) avoid those that challenge your balance too much.

Your balance is already compromised throughout your entire pregnancy, balancing on a ball is likely too difficult. You want to avoid any exercise that may cause you to lose your balance and possibly fall during pregnancy.

And finally, listen to your body!

As with any prenatal exercise, this is always the number one rule. If at any time you feel dizzy, nauseous, or lightheaded while using the exercise ball, please sit down and rest.

If it is causing your joints to hurt stop using the exercise ball in whichever manner you were. If something feels “wrong” modify or stop.

What’s the Difference Between an Exercise Ball and a Birthing Ball?

An exercise ball is an inflatable ball that you can use for a variety of exercises. They are usually big enough to sit on as if you are sitting in a chair but there are mini exercise balls as well.

Exercise balls go by a variety of names including but not limited to:

  • Swiss balls
  • fitness balls
  • yoga balls
  • Pilates balls
  • balance balls
  • body balls
  • birth balls
  • Pezzi balls
  • fitness balls
  • gym balls
  • physio balls

An exercise ball challenges your balance and helps improve your posture, flexibility, and core strength.

What is a birthing ball?

A birthing ball is simply an exercise ball that is used during pregnancy and labor to help with positioning and comfort.

It is the exact same thing as an exercise ball, simply marketed differently. Not a bit of difference between them

There is a second type of birthing ball called a peanut as well that takes on the shape of a, well you guessed it, peanut. But that isn’t a birthing “ball” per se.

Pregnancy Ball Exercises

You can definitely incorporate ball workouts into your prenatal fitness plan. The overall best prenatal fitness plan is The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan. It is a full 40-week workout plan designed with a pregnant woman’s changing body in mind.

It is the only prenatal fitness program that addresses all the changes and weaknesses your body is going to encounter throughout your pregnancy and focuses on strengthening them before they become weak, from your pelvic floor to your back!

The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan can help you have a more comfortable and fit pregnancy (and helps you grow a healthier baby… learn more here).

Exercise Ball Abdominal Bracing

Sit straight up on your exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor, and be sure that there isn’t too much of a curve in your lower back. If you feel there is, roll your hips slightly forward on the ball.

Take a deep breath in and allow your stomach to extend. As you exhale squeeze your stomach muscles in as tightly as you can, and try to suck your belly button inward and upwards.

You should feel a tightening along the sides of your abdomen. If you don’t try rotating your hips slightly forward to flatten your lower back more and repeat.

Hold for a count of ten before releasing. If you count out loud while holding your core tightly you will remember to breathe.

Repeat in sets of 10.

the perfect pregnancy fitness plan

Super Pregnancy Exercise Ball Bridges

This exercise is perfect for your butt and hamstrings and even helps strengthen your pelvic floor!

Start by lying on your back against and slightly over the ball with feet flat on the ground and shoulder-width apart.

Rotate your hips slightly upward, reducing the curve in your lower back and engaging your deep core. While maintaining this position you press through your heels to raise your hips upwards until your thighs and torso are in line with each other.

You should feel your glutes and hamstrings working hard to press your body upward. Pause for a moment at the top of the exercise and perform a kegel and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position and relax.

Repeat 15 times.

Stability Ball Wall Squat

This exercise is perfect for your quads, glutes, and core!

Start by placing an exercise ball against a wall. Then stand with feet shoulder-width apart and the exercise ball at the small of your back.

Press your lower back into the ball as you bend your knees to lower yourself into a squatting position. Allow the ball to roll upwards as you roll downwards. Keep your knees behind your toes and make sure not to let your knees cave in toward each other.

You should feel your quads and glutes working as you squat down. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the exercise and then press through your heels to raise yourself back up to the starting position.

Remember to keep your core tight as you perform this exercise by engaging your deep core muscles (your transverse abdominus).

Repeat 20 times.

Half Moon Ball Exercise for Pregnancy

This exercise is perfect for your obliques and core! You want to avoid abdominal workouts like planks and crunches during your pregnancy, but that does not mean exercising your core is off limits!

You want to focus on exercises that target your obliques and transverse abdominus for a pregnancy-safe core workout. That’s one thing I love about the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan, it teaches you how to safely work your core and pelvic floor all throughout pregnancy to better support your baby so you have less pain, and less chance of getting a bad diastasis, and it even helps make labor easier!

Start with your knees on the floor sitting on your heels. Hold the exercise ball with both hands directly over your head.

Lower the ball to one side only as far as is comfortable and use your obliques to bring it back to the center.

Repeat on the other side.

Moving to the left then right is one rep. Do 10 reps.

Prenatal Core and Floor Ball Press

While sitting on your knees hold your exercise ball in both hands right in front of you.

Allow your stomach to fully extend as you inhale. Upon exhale press inward on the ball as hard as possible with control and do the abdominal bracing we mentioned before, by tightening your abdominal muscles and pulling your belly button in. At the same time perform a kegel and tighten up your pelvic floor.

This will feel as if you are engaging the muscles supporting your baby from your pelvis all the way to your ribs if you are doing it correctly.

If you find it too hard to perform a kegel in this position you can also do this exercise lying flat on your back with arms outstretched over you. However, if you are in the second half of your pregnancy you shouldn’t be lying flat on your back too much so in that case use a bolster.)

How Can You Use an Exercise Ball During Pregnancy for Labor?

There are a few different ways that you can use an exercise ball or a “birthing ball” for labor near the end of your pregnancy. From starting labor to progressing labor, a birthing ball can help along the way!

Using a Birthing Ball to Induce Labor

Near the end of your pregnancy, you are super uncomfortable and probably ready to try just about anything to speed up that baby coming out of you. At least that’s how I felt at 39 weeks every time.

There are many natural and safe methods (though some are just old wives’ tales) that can help bring labor on more quickly.

One factual method of inducing labor is bouncing on an exercise ball. You can do this any time, even while just relaxing and watching tv.

Simply spread your legs wide while sitting atop your birthing ball. Then bounce straight up and down. This position helps to prepare the body for labor, and help the baby shift into position, and the bouncing of the baby on the cervix may trigger labor to begin.

how to eat and exercise during pregnancy

Using a Birthing Ball to Progress Labor

There can be times when labor progress slows or even stalls (With my 3rd baby I was in labor 2 full days, but it stalled out completely in the middle for almost 12 hours! But I didn’t try to speed it back up, I chose to sleep instead since I was up the entire previous night with contractions.)

You can progress labor by sitting atop your exercise ball in a wide-legged stance and slowly rotating on the ball. Change directions every so often.

Use an Exercise Ball for Labor Positions

If you are lucky enough to be laboring in a place where you can actively change positions, an exercise ball is a great tool to use!

You can use the ball to sit on during contractions. You can slump over on it, lean into your partner while sitting atop it, or simply sit and do your best to relax.

Or you can lean over the ball with your torso or just your arms while your knees are on the ground. Sort of crouched over the ball. I found this to be extremely helpful in the peak of transition. I leaned on the ball with my elbows so I could keep my hands hanging and relaxed over it.

How to Use an Exercise Ball After Baby

When planning what to buy for my third baby the was definitely no expensive rocking chair or glider on my list, nope. It was a new exercise ball.

When your baby is upset, nothing soothes them the way that bouncing on an exercise ball does. Not a glider, not a swing, nothing.

Why you might ask?

Bouncing on an exercise ball most closely resembles the bouncing they felt for 9 months in your womb. This is a great trick even for a colicky baby (which is actually how I first discovered it. Searching at my wits end to calm my colicky baby.)

But you have to remember to do it safely. Hold baby close and fully support their head. You really want to support all of them and hold them very closely.

Don’t bounce so vigorously that it becomes dangerous, no matter how long they have been crying, especially when they are very young.

Wrapping Up Exercise Balls and Pregnancy

An exercise ball can be a great tool to use during pregnancy for a variety of reasons. You can use it to help induce labor, progress labor, and use it in various positions during labor. It’s also a great way to work your core muscles safely throughout your pregnancy, and can even be a huge help in the postpartum period.

Do you have an exercise ball? What is your favorite way to use it?

Have you used a birthing ball during labor? What position did you find most helpful?

More Prenatal Exercise Posts You’ll Love

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Swimming During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? The Benefits of Swimming for Pregnant Women Wed, 18 May 2022 12:09:57 +0000 When it comes to swimming during pregnancy, a lot of women have questions. Is swimming safe during pregnancy? Can I swim during my pregnancy? Are there any benefits to swimming during pregnancy? In this blog post, we will answer all of those questions and more. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for pregnant women....

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When it comes to swimming during pregnancy, a lot of women have questions. Is swimming safe during pregnancy? Can I swim during my pregnancy? Are there any benefits to swimming during pregnancy?

In this blog post, we will answer all of those questions and more. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for pregnant women. It is low impact and helps to relieve pressure on the abdomen, joints, and veins. Swimming can also help alleviate varicose vein symptoms. So, if you are looking for a safe and healthy way to stay active during your pregnancy, swimming is a great option! Read on to learn more.

**This post might contain affiliate links to items I use and love and feel will benefit you immensely. Read full disclosure here.**

is swimming during pregnancy safe and what are the benefits

Is Swimming Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, swimming is a safe and healthy form of exercise to do during pregnancy. In fact, swimming and water aerobics are often recommended by doctors as they are low impact and put minimal strain on the body.

Swimming is also a great way to stay cool in the summer months, heat feels really extra hot during pregnancy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when swimming during pregnancy.

the perfect pregnancy fitness plan

How to Swim Safely During Pregnancy

  • First, avoid swimming in water that is too hot as this can cause overheating. It is not recommended to soak in hot tubs during pregnancy for fear it may hurt the baby.
  • Second, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. This is important all throughout pregnancy. Your requirement for water is a lot higher than it is normally. Honestly, you have to drink so much water it can get boring, so it’s great to know other drinks that enhance health during pregnancy (as well as the surprising drinks to avoid during pregnancy).
  • And lastly, listen to your body and take a break if you feel tired or uncomfortable. While following a prenatal fitness plan is super important to positively enhance your baby’s genetics for their entire lives, listening to your body is the most important rule to follow throughout your entire prenatal fitness plan.

Other Forms of Exercise During Pregnancy

If you are curious about the safety of swimming during pregnancy there’s a great chance that you have questions about other forms of prenatal exercise. Great news! This post is part of a huge prenatal exercise series.

Learn about the safety and benefits of:

Learning ALL the details of the huge benefits of following a prenatal exercise routine is absolutely fascinating. Participating in a prenatal exercise plan can positively affect your baby’s genetics throughout their entire lives.

You can learn all about this is the best and most revolutionary prenatal workout plan: The Perfect Pregnancy [Fitness] Plan. It is a phenomenal 40 week prenatal workout program on it’s own but it also comes as a package deal with the most up-to-date prenatal nutrition plan as well.

You can learn more about the best prenatal workout plan for a more comfortable pregnancy and more healthy baby.

What Are The Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy?

There are many benefits of swimming during pregnancy. First, swimming is a low-impact form of exercise. This means that it is gentle on your body and joints. The further you progress into your pregnancy, the better low-impact exercises are for you so that you can continue exercising even when simply getting up off the couch becomes uncomfortable.

Second, swimming helps to relieve pressure on the veins in your legs. This is important because pregnant women are at a higher risk for developing varicose veins. (I got them from my abdomen to my ankle!) Swimming is huge for helping to alleviate symptoms of varicose veins. There are lots of other tricks and tips that help relieve the deep ache of varicose veins during pregnancy as well.

Third, swimming is a great way to stay cool in the summer months. As your pregnancy progresses and you start to feel the effects of the heat more, swimming can be a refreshing and cooling activity.

Fourth, swimming is an excellent cardio exercise. Cardio exercise is important for pregnant women as it helps to increase stamina and energy levels. And cardio gets HARD as your pregnancy progresses, so having a low impact cardio activity like swimming to do is a great idea.

Heck, even walking up stairs becomes a cardio exercise eventually. Swimming is a great way to get your heart rate up without putting too much stress on your body.

Finally, swimming is a great way to relax and de-stress. Pregnancy can be a stressful time and finding ways to relax is important for both you and your baby. Swimming can help to clear your mind and help you to relax.

prenatal nutrition and fitness

Is Water Aerobics a Safe Form of Swimming During Pregnancy?

Yes! Water aerobics is an excellent form of exercise to do during pregnancy. The same guidelines for swimming apply to water aerobics. Avoid overheating, drink plenty of fluids, and listen to your body. Other than that, have fun!

Water aerobics is a great way to get a cardio workout while staying cool. And it is a low-impact form of exercise, which is ideal for pregnant women.

Water aerobics classes are typically available at most gyms, YMCAs, and public swimming pools.

Can I Swim If I Have Pregnancy complications?

If you have any sort of pregnancy complications, it is important to speak with your doctor before starting or continuing any sort of exercise routine, including swimming.

Pregnancy complications that might affect whether or not swimming is safe for you to include but are not limited to:

  • Placenta previa
  • Preterm labor
  • History of preterm labor
  • twins or other multiples

These are just a few examples, so again, be sure to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns.

What About Swimming During Pregnancy in the Ocean or a Pool With Chemicals?

The jury is still out on whether swimming in the ocean is completely safe during pregnancy. The main concern is that you could contract an infection from swimming in water that contains bacteria. However, make your own judgment call on this one. I swam in the ocean all 3 of my pregnancies, but that is my favorite place to be!

If you are swimming in a pool that uses chlorine or other chemicals to clean the water, there is no need to worry. The levels of these chemicals are so low that they pose no threat to you or your baby overall.

However, it is a good idea to rinse off after swimming in a pool because they are loaded with chlorine, which you will absorb through your skin. Chlorine is one of many toxins you want to avoid or limit during your gestation. Swimming is just fine, but it is something to be aware of.

We are absolutely inundated by harmful chemicals every day, learn how to easily remove a lot from your daily routine.

So, Is Swimming Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes! Swimming is a safe and healthy form of exercise for pregnant women. swimming can help to relieve pressure on your veins, joints, and pelvis.

Swimming is a great form of exercise for pregnant women. It is low impact, helps to relieve pressure on veins and joints, and is an excellent cardio workout. Swimming is also a great way to stay cool in the summer months. If you are pregnant and looking for a safe and effective form of exercise, swimming is a great option.

Just be sure to listen to your body and drink plenty of fluids. And if you have any concerns, be sure to speak with your doctor before starting any sort of exercise program.

Happy swimming!

More Prenatal Exercise Posts You’ll Love

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]]> 0 80659
Third Trimester Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:43:58 +0000 Did you know that yoga is one of the best exercises you can do during your third trimester of pregnancy? It’s true! Yoga can help improve your mental and physical health while preparing your body for labor and delivery. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss all the benefits of yoga during the third trimester,...

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Did you know that yoga is one of the best exercises you can do during your third trimester of pregnancy? It’s true! Yoga can help improve your mental and physical health while preparing your body for labor and delivery. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss all the benefits of yoga during the third trimester, as well as how to make modifications to safely practice yoga throughout these remaining months of your pregnancy.

We will also provide tips and tools to make practicing yoga when you are this preggo easier, along with a list of seven poses that can help prepare you for labor and delivery. Finally, we will link to five 3rd trimester prenatal workout videos for those who want to get started right away! This guide has got it all so you can get 

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3rd trimester of pregnancy yoga guide

Yoga in the 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

So, what are the benefits of yoga in the third trimester? For starters, practicing yoga can help improve your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help ease physical discomforts like back pain and nausea. Additionally, yoga can help increase your energy levels and improve your sleep quality. And last but not least, practicing yoga can help to prepare your body for labor and delivery.

If you want a really comprehensive understanding of the benefits of prenatal yoga (and some more great tips on how to practice it) be sure to check out the other 2 parts of this guide:

  1. Yoga in the First Trimester: Everything You Need to Know
  2. A Detailed Guide to Yoga in the Second Trimester

But THIS is where yoga really shines in your prenatal workout plan:

the third trimester!

Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise to do in the third trimester. You are big, uncomfortable, possibly in pain, and preparing for the marathon of labor and delivery. There are so many reasons to practice yoga primarily in the third trimester of pregnancy! 

  • Yoga can help ease aches and pains.
  • Yoga can help you feel more calm and at ease.
  • Third trimester yoga can help your body prepare for labor and delivery, actually making it easier.
  • It’s pretty hard to do any type of vigorous exercise when you near the end of pregnancy but exercising during pregnancy is hugely beneficial for your growing baby. So a wise mom who is trying to stay active for her baby’s benefit, but having trouble doing so because well, you feel like a whale at that point, yoga is the perfect option!


The Best Prenatal Workout Plan

The Perfect Pregnancy Plan is the only 40 week workout plan designed with a growing mom-to-be’s needs in mind. Addressing all your possible pregnancy aches and pains before they become an issue.

And you bet that The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan includes yoga during each trimester! 

Want a REALLY great set of asanas that are perfect for the third trimester of pregnancy? Try this prenatal yoga flow from the Perfect Pregnancy Plan!


How to Safely Practice Yoga During the Third Trimester

Now that we’ve gone over some of the benefits of yoga during pregnancy, let’s talk about how to make modifications to safely practice yoga throughout the third trimester. First off, any modifications that you needed to make in your second trimester prenatal yoga workouts still stands and all precautions that should be followed to safely workout in the third trimester should be adheared to as well.

First and foremost, always listen to your body and never push yourself beyond your limits. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it! And always consult your trusted doctor or midwife before changing anything in your prenatal diet or exercise plan.

Second, be sure to modify any poses that put pressure on your belly or that are too challenging as your pregnancy progresses. For example, if Warrior II is starting to feel too tough, bring your feet closer together.

RELATED: How to Exercise Safely in the Third Trimester (Because it’s a Whole Different Ball Game!)


Types of Yoga Poses to Avoid in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

There are a multitude of poses that you will need to avoid in order to maintain a safe yoga practice throughout the third trimester of pregnancy. But once you understand which styles of poses to exclude, it’s pretty easy to determine what is safe and what isn’t.

Yoga poses to avoid in the third trimester include:

  1. Poses that require you to lie flat on your back for extended periods of time. This puts too much pressure on your vena cava and can cause dizziness and reduce blood flow to the baby. Basically, just avoid laying on your back as much as possible during this trimester. If you want to do a pose lying on your back, use a bolster.
  2. Any inversions, such as headstands, handstands, shoulder stands, and anything else that would put you upside down or on your head.
  3. Any other types of advanced balance poses, or really any balance poses. As soon as you start your pregnancy, your balance begins to decrease. The bigger you get, the more thrown off it is. It is very important to not incur injury during your third trimester so always use a wall, chair, or another stable device to do any balance poses in the third trimester, even tree pose.
  4. Poses that require you to jump or make sudden movements. These can be jarring and may cause injury. The third trimester is a great time to do yoga flows, where one move gently transitions to the next. Or even a time to just focus on one pose and then switch to another. Moving around gracefully isn’t something that really happens anymore when you have a nearly full-grown human inside you, and that’s ok!
  5. Hot yoga or Bikram yoga. The heat can be too much for you. This is something you want to avoid for all of pregnancy.

RELATED: The Best Yoga Poses to Prep for Labor and Delivery


Tools to Help Make Practicing Yoga Throughout the 3rd Trimester Easier

If you want to continue practicing yoga in your third trimester but are finding it more difficult, there are some tools that can help make things a little easier.

A bolster is a great way to prop yourself up and make any lying-down poses more comfortable.

A yoga strap can help you grab your feet in poses like forward folds when you can’t quite reach them.

A yoga block can help with any balance poses or modified versions of other poses. It can be really hard to reach what you could before when it feels like you have a bowling ball in your belly. I carry my babies high up into my ribs not far out and anything that involves leaning even the slightest bit forward becomes nearly impossible in that third trimester for me!


Seven Poses to Help Prepare the Body for Labor and Delivery Perfect for Third Trimester Yoga

The following seven yoga poses are great to do in the third trimester to help prepare your body for labor and delivery.

(Also all of these poses are safe to practice in the first trimester and second trimester of pregnancy as well.)

Low Lunge:

Great for stretching the hip flexors as well as the back and shoulders in your 3rd trimester while opening the hips. You can leave your knee on the floor for balance or stand on your toes for more of a challenge.

Warrior II:

This yoga pose strengthens the legs and butt and opens the hips. Better preparing you for labor and delivery. Remember, neither has to happen lying down (in fact it’s better not to, especially on your back) so poses like this are great preparation!

Cat/cow pose:

This is a great yoga pose to do in the third trimester of pregnancy to help relieve any back pain. Plus it can be a great pose to use during labor as well.

Garland Pose:

This is the best pose to prepare your pelvic floor and birth canal for labor and delivery. This is a highly effective pose for gently stretching out your lady bits area, better preparing it for the stretching to come. In fact, I recommend practicing this pose every day in your third trimester to help prevent perineal tears. (Among a couple of other highly effective ways to prevent tearing.)

Pigeon pose:

This pose is a great hip opener that can help to ease pain in the lower back and legs. There’s a good chance you will want to use your yoga block for this one, unless you have regularly been practicing yoga throughout your pregnancy.

Butterfly pose:

This yoga pose is such a common stretch, but it really is another great hip opener that can also help with lower back pain. The butterfly pose is great to practice in your third trimester.

Child’s pose:

This is a restorative pose that can help to relieve stress and tension. This pose helps elongate your pelvic floor muscles. It is a great choice to use during labor as well. During labor you can do child pose on the floor or leaning over an exercise ball. I used this throughout the peak of transition for my third pregnancy while rubbing a powerful crystal for labor and delivery and found it very helpful.


Third Trimester Yoga Workouts

  1. Prenatal Yoga Third Trimester
  2. Pregnancy Yoga Third Trimester
  3. Pregnancy Exercise Yoga Flow Third Trimester
  4. Relaxing Prenatal Yoga Third Trimester
  5. Pregnancy Yoga Third Trimester Engage Baby’s Head


Wrapping Up Third Trimester Yoga for Pregnancy

There you have it! A comprehensive guide to third trimester yoga. Remember to always listen to your body and modify as needed. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it! Pregnancy is not the time to push your limits.

Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and relieve stress throughout your pregnancy. It’s important that you practice safe yoga poses during the third trimester of pregnancy, including modifications for some stretches or avoiding others.

However, there are also many benefits to practicing yoga such as helping prepare your body for labor and delivery by strengthening your muscles and relieving pain. If you want to continue practicing yoga in your third trimester, consider using props to make things easier.

The seven poses listed above are perfect for third trimester yoga and can help you prepare your body for labor and delivery.

I hope this guide was helpful in understanding how to safely practice yoga during the third trimester of pregnancy. Remember to listen to your body and always consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

Do you have any favorite third trimester yoga poses? Let me know in the comments below!


More Pregnancy Workout Resources You’ll Love

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]]> 0 9712
Everything You’d Want to Know About Yoga in Pregnancy During the Second Trimester Fri, 08 Apr 2022 06:05:12 +0000 If you’re like most pregnant women, you’re probably wondering what kind of activities are safe to do during your second trimester. Yoga is a great option! Yoga can help improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles and calm your mind. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you’d want to know about yoga in pregnancy...

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If you’re like most pregnant women, you’re probably wondering what kind of activities are safe to do during your second trimester. Yoga is a great option! Yoga can help improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles and calm your mind. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you’d want to know about yoga in pregnancy during the second trimester.

In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of yoga during the second trimester, and list all the modifications and precautions you need to take when practicing yoga during this stage of your pregnancy. We’ll also share 8 yoga poses that are great to practice in the second trimester. And finally, we’ll share 5 youtube videos of prenatal yoga routines that are perfect for the second trimester of pregnancy.

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woman doing yoga during the second trimester of pregnancy on the beach

Yoga in Pregnancy: Second Trimester

Before I go any further let me share that is article is part two of a three-part series. You guessed it! The previous post you might want to check out is Prenatal Yoga in the First Trimester: Everything you Need to Know. Just in case you aren’t quite into the second trimester yet and planning ahead. I’m a major planner, I get it!

And of course, you will want to follow up this article with Everything You Want to Know About Yoga in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy.


What are the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga in the Second Trimester

Yoga is a great way to stay active during your pregnancy. It can help improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles and calm your mind. Yoga is also a great way to meet other pregnant women and build a support system if you find a local prenatal yoga class.

Doing yoga throughout your pregnancy can hold so many benefits!

Standard benefits:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Strengthened muscles
  • Calm mind (I’m looking at you pregnancy hormones!)
  • Better body awareness
  • Possible opportunity to meet other pregnant women
  • Lessen common prenatal aches and pains
  • Easier labor and delivery

Emotional benefits:

  • Increased confidence
  • Connection with unborn child
  • Lessen stress – which we ALL need during pregnancy
  • Relaxation
  • Reduced anxiety
  • And the list goes on!

Prenatal yoga is truly a holistic approach to taking care of yourself during pregnancy.

It not only benefits your physical health but your mental and emotional well-being as well. If you are feeling good, then baby is probably feeling good too!

That’s why it’s no surprise that the most revolutionary prenatal fitness (and nutrition) program includes prenatal yoga in each trimester of pregnancy.

So how can you get started with yoga during your second trimester?

RELATED: The best yoga routine to prep for an easier labor


Precautions and Modifications for Yoga in Pregnancy During the Second Trimester

Of course, as your pregnancy progresses there are a few things to be aware of and modify in your yoga practice.

Here are some general precautions and modifications to keep in mind during the second trimester:

  1. Pregnancy is not the time to increase the intensity level of your yoga practice. If you are new to yoga, it’s best to begin with a certified yoga instructor in an in-person class. If that is not an option, there are virtual yoga classes available. And lastly, you can find some pretty good trimester-specific videos of prenatal yoga routines on YouTube (near the end of the post I link to 5 awesome 2nd-trimester prenatal yoga routines).
  2. If you have been practicing yoga regularly, you can continue your practice but be sure to listen to your body and modify as needed.
  3. As your baby grows, you will want to avoid any yoga poses that put pressure on your abdomen. You don’t want excess pressure on your belly (it feels horrible anyways.) This is pretty simple to determine when to take this precaution: once the bump is popping out, you don’t want to be putting too much external pressure on it
  4. Avoid poses lying flat on your back for any length of time. Right around mid-pregnancy you are instructed to stop lying on your back because this puts pressure on the Vena Cava and can cause reduced blood and oxygen flow to your baby. As a general rule it is recommended to stop lying on your back too much once around 13-16 weeks. However, this is a very generalized rule erring on the side of caution (as things should be during pregnancy), and depending on how you carry and the size of yourself and your baby you may be able to lie on your back until right around the third trimester. But if you choose to lie on your back during the second trimester during prenatal yoga or otherwise always be on the lookout for nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate, reduction of blood pressure, and sweating. As these can be signs of supine hypotensive syndrome.
  5. You will also want to avoid deep twists and anything that puts too much strain on your lower back. While twisting poses were just fine in yoga during the first trimester of pregnancy, now you will want to eliminate moves with much twisting.
  6. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your yoga practice.
  7. And finally, always listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel good, don’t do it! This is the golden rule when learning how to do any type of exercise safely during pregnancy.
  8. Always take into consideration all the guidelines on how to exercise safely during pregnancy.


the perfect pregnancy fitness plan

The Importance of a Prenatal Workout Plan

Did you know that we now know that you can actually alter the genetic expression of your baby by exercising and making the right dietary choices during pregnancy? Literally changing your child’s health FOR LIFE!

What we now know through the studies of epigenetics during pregnancy is amazing.

Working out throughout your gestation (including prenatal yoga) can actually lower your baby’s propensity towards having a metabolic disorder, diabetes, heart disease, and more. (Throughout their adult lives.)

The only prenatal nutrition and fitness program designed around the most recent studies of epigenetics during pregnancy is called The Perfect Pregnancy Plan.

It’s the perfect way to get moving through your pregnancy and learn how to eat the best you can for your baby’s health and optimal growth and development.

Plus the PPP is designed with a pregnant woman’s specific physical needs during pregnancy in mind. (After all, the certified personal fitness trainer who is also certified in lifestyle and nutrition during pregnancy was actually pregnant herself when creating the course!) Addressing any potential common weak points and strengthening them before your body changes weaken them. The Perfect Pregnancy Plan is truly is a revolutionary way to go about prenatal workouts! And you get a yoga routine specific for each trimester!


Tips for Yoga in Pregnancy: Second Trimester

There are a few props you may want to consider using during your 2nd trimester prenatal yoga practice:

A bolster can be very helpful in many different poses during pregnancy. It can be used under the head, knees, or lower back for support.

A chair can also be helpful in many different ways during pregnancy. It can be used for support in standing poses, or as a prop in seated and reclining poses.

Yoga blocks can be used under the hands, feet, or behind the back for support in many different yoga poses.

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know to Practice Yoga in the 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy


Yoga Poses to Avoid During the Second Trimester

As mentioned above, there are a few different types of yoga poses to avoid during the second trimester. These include:

  • Poses that put pressure on the abdomen: such as Camel pose, Cow Face pose, Half Camel pose, and any deep twists.
  • Poses that require lying flat on your back for an extended period of time: such as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose), Halasana (Plow pose), Karnapidasana (Ear Pressure pose), and Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle pose).
  • Poses that require lying on your stomach: such as Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Salabhasana (Locust pose), and Dhanurasana (Bow pose).
  • And as your balance suffers from the start of pregnancy and gets progressively worse as your body grows, be sure to use caution with poses that require balance on one leg: such as Garudasana (Eagle pose), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I pose), and Bakasana (Crane pose). This is when a chair can come in handy as mentioned earlier.


how to eat and exercise during pregnancy


2nd Trimester Prenatal Yoga Poses

There are many different yoga poses that can be beneficial during the second trimester of pregnancy. A few of our favorites include:


Supported Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend):

This pose is great for stretching the hamstrings and lower back. It can also help to relieve any tension in the shoulders.

To do this pose, sit with one leg straight out in front of you and the other bent with the foot touching your opposite knee. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend forward from the hips, keeping your spine long.


Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend):

This pose is great for stretching the hamstrings, lower back, and shoulders.

To do this pose, sit with your legs straight out to the sides as far as is comfortable. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend forward from the hips, keeping your spine long. You can reach for your toes or straight out in front of you. You can place a yoga block to reach for as well.


Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose):

This pose is great for opening up the hips and stretching the inner thighs.

To do this pose, sit with your legs in “butterfly” position. With your knees bent, feet together in front of you, as close to your pelvis as is comfortable. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend forward from the hips, keeping your spine long.


Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend):

This pose is great for stretching the hamstrings and lower back.

To do this pose, stand with your feet farther than shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend forward from the hips, keeping your spine long. Reach your hands down toward your ankles or place them on the ground (or on a yoga block) directly down between your legs. The ultimate goal is to reach your head to rest on the ground or yoga block. But don’t worry, you can work up to that!


Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose):

This pose is great for strengthening the inner thighs.

To do this pose, stand with your feet wide apart. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend your knees and drop your pelvis straight down. Your arms can be out to the sides, together at your heart, or even over your head.


Eka Pada Rajakapotasane (Pigeon Pose):

This pose is great for stretching the hips and thighs.

To do this pose, start in Downward Facing Dog. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bring your right knee forward to your right wrist. Place the knee on the floor outside of your right wrist. Bring your left knee to the floor then lower your left leg to straight behind you. You can place a yoga block under your butt if you cannot reach the ground.


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog):

This pose is great for stretching the entire backside of the body, including the hamstrings, calves, and Achilles tendon. It can also help to relieve any tension in the shoulders.

To do this pose, start in a Table Top position with your hands and knees on the ground. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your hips up and back, straightening your legs and keeping your hands planted firmly on the ground. You can bend your knees if you must, raise your heels off the floor, or alternate bending each knee by “pumping” your feet.


Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior Pose):

This pose is great for stretching the chest and side of body

To do this pose, start in Warrior I Pose. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, rotate your torso to the right and reach your right arm up towards the sky. Let your left arm slide back down your back leg.


Prenatal Yoga Routines for the Second Trimester of Pregnancy


  1. Pregnancy Yoga for Second Trimester
  2. Pregnancy Yoga 2nd Trimester
  3. 20 Minute Prenatal Yoga Stretch
  4. Second Trimester Yoga Flow
  5. 25 Minute Prenatal Yoga Workout


Wrapping Up Yoga in Pregnancy for the Second Trimester

Yoga poses are great for pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy. They help you stretch your joints, strengthen and calm your mind, relieve stress, improve flexibility, and increase energy levels while reducing fatigue – all without putting any extra strain on the baby! We’ve provided you with a list of 8 yoga poses that are perfect in the second trimester of pregnancy. Remember to listen to your body and modify the poses as necessary. If you have any questions, please consult your healthcare provider before practicing yoga during pregnancy.



More Prenatal Exercise Tips, Tricks, and Routines

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Yoga during Pregnancy in the First Trimester: The Benefits and How-To Tue, 05 Apr 2022 06:06:50 +0000 Congratulations on your pregnancy! Did you know that yoga can be a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy? In this blog post, we will teach you all about yoga during pregnancy in the first trimester. We will go over the many benefits of prenatal yoga and explain if and how to modify your...

The post Yoga during Pregnancy in the First Trimester: The Benefits and How-To appeared first on .

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Did you know that yoga can be a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy? In this blog post, we will teach you all about yoga during pregnancy in the first trimester.

We will go over the many benefits of prenatal yoga and explain if and how to modify your yoga routine to make it safe for you in the first trimester. We will also give you a list of 7 great yoga poses for the first trimester and explain why they are beneficial.

Finally, we will provide links to 5 great first-trimester yoga routines on youtube. We hope that this information helps keep you healthy and happy during your pregnancy!

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pregnanct woman doing yoga in the first trimester safely

Yoga During Pregnancy in the First Trimester

Prenatal yoga is a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy. It can help you improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. Yoga also helps to relieve stress and tension.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, yoga can benefit you on so many levels! The first trimester of pregnancy can be a trying time on your mind and body.

You might be overwhelmed (with joy, fear, regret, anticipation, excitement) by any number of emotions. Positive or negative, they are still pretty overwhelming!

You are probably exhausted, nauseous, and more, and yoga can help you through it.

Pregnancy yoga is a great way to connect with your body and your growing baby.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy in the first trimester can benefit:


How to Modify Your Yoga Routine during the First Trimester of Pregnancy

There are a few modifications you will need to make to your yoga routine in the first trimester of pregnancy. But as with most exercise during pregnancy, not much changes in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If you have been working out, you are usually ok to work out in the same manner. Just be extra careful to listen to your body! Learn how to exercise safely during pregnancy from a Certified Personal Trainer.

When doing yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy, you are still very small. Your baby is still very small in the first trimester as well and though your body is making huge changes on the inside, not much will change on the outside.

If you were practicing yoga prior to conception, with your doctors’ clearance you can continue in the same manner.

As your pregnancy progresses past the first trimester, it is important to avoid poses that put pressure on your uterus and you should also avoid any type of yoga that involves lying on your back. But you don’t need to pay much attention to these limitations until right around mid-pregnancy.

It is important to note that right from the beginning of pregnancy both your balance and endurance begin to decline. This is more from hormonal changes than anything else at this point. Later on in your pregnancy, these symptoms are of course exacerbated by the growing size and weight of your baby and yourself.

That’s what I love about the yoga in The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan. I mean, the entire course is designed to address all the physical struggles a pregnant woman will face throughout her pregnancy before they become a huge issue. Like addressing balance in the first trimester yoga routine of the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan.

You should avoid Bikram yoga and most hot yoga all throughout your pregnancy. Bikram yoga takes place at 105 degrees. But you can check with your hot yoga facilities to see what temperature they set the thermostat for their classes. Some are kept as low as 80 degrees, which would be fine, that’s like doing yoga on a summer’s day. But they can range up to 100 degrees, which you should avoid.

Also, you may need to modify balance moves in your yoga practice even in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is nothing wrong with lightly holding or touching the wall or a chair for balance during your prenatal yoga practice.

This is also the perfect time to learn about how to practice yoga in the second trimester of pregnancy and if you want to look a bit ahead you can read or bookmark everything you need to know about yoga in the third trimester of pregnancy.


the perfect pregnancy fitness plan


What kind of yoga is in the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan?

The PPP is the most revolutionary two-part prenatal diet and nutrition plan on the market. It is the only nutrition plan based on the most recent finding regarding epigenetics during pregnancy and includes a nutrition plan that will literally help you grow a healthier baby by essentially turning on the good genes and turning off the bad.

The PPP is also is the only 40-week prenatal fitness plan that addresses the needs of a mothers’ changing body through the course of pregnancy before encountering discomforts.

  • Where you will strengthen your balance through yoga in the first trimester before you are too big.
  • Where you will learn to strengthen your core and pelvic floor safely from the first trimester throughout your entire pregnancy, not only making you more comfortable while pregnant but also making labor and postpartum recovery easier.
  • Where you will learn to strengthen your back before your belly is pulling it out of alignment.
  • And so much more!

I love that the Perfect Pregnancy Plan has a yoga routine for each trimester. In fact, you can try out the third trimester “prepping for labor” yoga right here! This routine is safe for any trimester too.


RELATED: The Most Popular Prenatal Pilates Routine


Yoga Poses for Your First Trimester Yoga During Pregnancy Practice

The following poses are great for prenatal yoga during the first trimester of pregnancy.


Cat/Cow pose for the first trimester:

cat cow pose for the first trimester of pregnancy

Cat/Cow image from Every Day Yoga

This is a great pose to help relieve lower back pain. It also helps to open up your chest and improve spinal flexibility.

To do Cat/Cow Pose: Come onto all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. Inhale as you drop your belly button to the floor and look up, arching your spine. Exhale as you tuck your chin to your chest, rounding your spine. Repeat this sequence for five breaths.

RELATED: A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga in the 2nd Trimester


Downward Dog for the first trimester:

This pose is great for improving circulation, relieving stress, and stretching your hamstrings and calves.

To do Downward Dog: Start in a kneeling position with your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Place your palms together if this is comfortable for you. Step both feet back so that you are in an inverted V-shape with your heels pressed into the ground and your head hanging down. Hold for five breaths.


Warrior I pose for the first trimester:

This pose is great for strengthening your legs and improving balance.

To do Warrior I: Step your left foot forward about three feet, keeping your heel down. Turn your left foot so that the toes are pointing to the right and raise your arms overhead, locking your fingers together. Bend your right knee until it is directly over your ankle. Hold for five breaths and switch sides.


Chair pose for your first trimester prenatal yoga routine:

This pose is great for strengthening your thighs, buttocks, and hips.

To do Chair Pose: Start standing with your feet together. Bend down at the waist as if you are sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight. Hold for five breaths.


Upward Dog pose for the 1st trimester:

This pose is great for increasing energy, strengthening your arms and wrists, and stretching your chest. Enjoy this amazing stretch of a pose now because it will be off the table soon!

To do Upward Dog Pose: Lay face down on your mat, toes pointed out behind you, and place your hands palm down at your sides. Inhale as you push upward and lift your head, shoulders, and chest up while keeping your hands firmly placed at your sides on the floor. Continue to raise upward by lifting your hips and legs off the floor, supported only by your hands and the tops of your feet.

Hold for five breaths.


Bridge pose is great for the first trimester:

This pose is great for relieving lower back pain and stretching your chest, neck, and hips.

To do Bridge Pose: Lie flat on your back with feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart, legs bent to 90 degrees. Place your arms by your sides, palms down. On an inhalation, press your feet and palms into the floor, and lift your torso and upper legs into the air, extending your hips until your thighs and torso are in line with each other, like a bridge. Keep your head on the floor. Hold for five breaths. This is a great pose to practice your kegels in.


Fish pose for the 1st trimester of pregnancy:

This pose is great for increasing energy, stretching your chest and neck, and relieving stress.

To do Fish Pose: Start by lying on your back on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor beside you and press down to lift your torso and upper legs off the floor, so that your hips are elevated and your head and shoulders are resting on the floor. Hold for five breaths.


Prenatal Yoga Routines to do During the First Trimester (Videos)

  1. 15 Minute Prenatal Yoga
  2. Prenatal Yoga First Trimester + Morning Sickness Relief
  3. Yoga for Pregnancy in the First Trimester
  4. Prenatal Yoga Flow for Hips (Advanced)
  5. Pregnancy Yoga for the First Trimester


Wrapping Up Yoga During the First Trimester of Pregnancy

There are many benefits to prenatal yoga, which is why it has become so popular in recent years and is incorporated into every trimester of the 40-week Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan. 

Prenatal yoga can help improve sleep, relieve stress and anxiety, improve circulation and digestion, build strength and endurance, and prepare you for childbirth.

Prenatal yoga is a great way to stay active and healthy during your pregnancy. It can be safely practiced by most pregnant women, regardless of their stage of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga classes usually include a variety of poses that are modified to meet the needs of pregnant women.

If you’re new to yoga, it’s best to start with a prenatal yoga class. However, if you’re experienced in yoga and are comfortable practicing poses on your own, there are only a few modifications you need to make in the first trimester.


More Prenatal Fitness Resources You’ll Love

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HIIT and Pregnancy: The Truth About High Intensity Interval Training During Pregnancy Sat, 19 Mar 2022 08:29:21 +0000 Are you wondering is HIIT training safe during pregnancy? You’re not alone. A lot of women are curious about how to modify their high intensity interval training workouts to make them safe for pregnancy. In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about HIIT and pregnancy. We’ll discuss whether or not HIIT...

The post HIIT and Pregnancy: The Truth About High Intensity Interval Training During Pregnancy appeared first on .

Are you wondering is HIIT training safe during pregnancy? You’re not alone. A lot of women are curious about how to modify their high intensity interval training workouts to make them safe for pregnancy. In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about HIIT and pregnancy.

We’ll discuss whether or not HIIT is safe in each trimester, and we’ll give you some tips on how to adapt your workouts for a pregnant body. Plus, we’ll tell you who should avoid HIIT during pregnancy.

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pregnant woman doing hiit workout safely pin

Is HIIT Training Safe During Pregnancy?

The short answer is yes, HIIT is generally safe during pregnancy. However, as with any type of exercise, there are some things to keep in mind.

First of all, before adding in or changing any exercise during pregnancy always consult with your trusted physician. While HIIT workouts can be a great choice for many during their pregnancy, that is not always the case.

Then remember above all, listen to your body. If something feels off or too difficult, stop and rest.

Next, make sure you are well hydrated before and after any prenatal workout.

And finally, avoid overheating by exercising in a cool or well-ventilated area. It is much easier to overheat or incur an injury when working out while pregnant than it is under normal circumstances.

But these super generalized reminders are really just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s dive into the details of whether or not HIIT training is safe during all of pregnancy for everyone.


What is HIIT Training?

If you are not familiar with this exercise acronym, let me introduce you to one of my favorite forms of exercise!

HIIT is short for high intensity interval training. It is a type of exercise where you do an activity at a high intensity level followed by a brief recovery period. You repeat the sequence multiple times in one session.

When first beginning HIIT training you could expect to do 30 seconds of an exercise at max intensity followed by a 30 second rest. A more advanced HIIT workout would often contain 45-60 seconds of all-out intensity followed by a 15-20 second rest. This pattern (or similar varieties) are performed over and over.

Typically HIIT workouts are rather short because you are putting in an all-out effort for so much of the time. Typical lengths of HIIT training workouts vary but can be anywhere from 10-30 minutes.

However, you don’t need to do a full HIIT workout every time to reap the huge benefits of high intensity interval training.

You can also do shorter HIIT workouts of 3-5 minutes. Just make sure you are working at a high intensity level during those few minutes or add some HIIT intervals between your typical weight lifting sets.


What are the benefits of HIIT Training?

There are so many benefits of HIIT training!

First of all, it is a very efficient way to workout. You can get your heart rate up and break a sweat in a short amount of time.

Secondly, HIIT workouts help you build both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. This is because you are working at such a high intensity that your body is forced to use both energy systems.

Because of the intensity of effort you put out during HIIT training, depriving your muscles of oxygen, your metabolism will increase for up to 48 hours post-workout!

And finally, HIIT workouts help improve insulin sensitivity, can increase fat burning, and can help reduce belly fat. All of these benefits are huge for pregnant women!

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of HIIT training, let’s talk about whether or not it is safe during pregnancy.

RELATED: How to Safely Burn Fat During Pregnancy


the perfect pregnancy fitness plan


Can You Do HIIT Safely During Pregnancy?

As I mentioned before, HIIT is generally safe during pregnancy. If you have never participated in HIIT training before though, during your pregnancy might not be the best time to jump in, especially if you are past your first trimester.

Try out this pregnancy-safe cardio workout from The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan and see how you feel during it. If you keep the intervals between sets to 30 seconds or less you will be doing a perfect prenatal HIIT workout.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when you are pregnant and working out. Learn exactly how to exercise safely during pregnancy (plus learn the life-altering benefits of prenatal exercise for the baby.)

First of all, your body is going through a lot of changes. Your ligaments are loosening, your center of gravity is shifting, and your breasts are growing.

All of these changes can make you more prone to injury. So be sure to take things slowly at first, listen to your body, and focus on proper form.

If you are feeling dizzy, nauseous, or lightheaded at any point during your workout, stop and rest. It is always of the utmost importance to listen to your body when exercising during pregnancy. If it doesn’t feel right, stop.


Is HIIT Training Safe During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?

In the first trimester, your energy levels might be lower than usual, so it’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. On the other hand, the first trimester is the time when you don’t really need to modify your workouts.

In most cases, it is ok to continue working out in whatever manner you are used to during your first trimester without additional modifications.

HIIT workouts are actually my favorites for when I am feeling exhausted though because they are so quick. Even though your intensity is at a high level, it’s pretty easy to convince yourself to keep pushing as you watch the clock run out of time. Even if you are exercising in 45-second intervals once you start a new exercise, you are virtually already finished.

Plus after completing a HIIT workout you can feel a burst of energy and endorphins. For these reasons, I find HIIT to be a perfect exercise for the first trimester of pregnancy.

I am so glad that the prenatal fitness and nutrition plan that I follow, The Perfect Pregnancy Plan, has some amazing HIIT workouts included in it.


prenatal nutrition and fitness


Is HIIT Training Safe During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

The second trimester is often when women feel their best during pregnancy. This is when you might start to feel more like your old self again and have more energy. You also aren’t typically too big and off-balance yet.

So if you are feeling up for it, HIIT workouts can be a great way to stay active during your pregnancy through the second trimester. Just remember to listen to your body and take things slowly at first.

It is very important to remember that you can modify any workout so that you can continue it throughout your pregnancy. You can easily modify any HIIT workout by changing up the intervals of workout time vs. rest time by lessening how long you are doing an exercise and increasing the rest between sets.

You can also lower the intensity of certain HIIT moves within a workout by removing jumping or using other modifications. The important thing is to keep up with a prenatal workout plan during pregnancy however you can to benefit your baby for their entire lives. (That post also details all the benefits of prenatal workouts for mom and baby. It really is astounding.)


Is HIIT Training Safe During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?

As you enter the third trimester, your belly is going to start to grow and you might start to feel more sluggish. At this point in your pregnancy, it is important to focus on low-impact workouts and avoid anything that could put unnecessary stress on your body.

This is also when you will have the most aches and pains. Fortunately, The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan is specifically designed to help lessen all common pregnancy aches and pains by addressing them before they become an issue.

While HIIT workouts are generally safe during pregnancy, they might not be the best choice for you in the third trimester. Instead, focus on gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga.

RELATED: How to Exercise in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy


Who Should Avoid HIIT Training During Pregnancy?

There are a few women who should avoid HIIT training during pregnancy. If you have any medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you should check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise program.

Additionally, if you have any complications during your pregnancy, such as placenta previa or bleeding, you should avoid HIIT workouts and stick to lower-impact exercises.

And finally, if you are feeling too exhausted or are having a hard time keeping up with your normal routine, it is probably best to scale back the intensity of your workouts and take it easy.


How to Adapt HIIT Training for Pregnancy

If you want to participate in HIIT training during your pregnancy, there are a few things you can do to make it more pregnancy-friendly. The secret to keeping up with any type of training you want during pregnancy?


Do not be afraid to modify any and all workouts while pregnant. The key is to keep moving and continue your prenatal workout plan as long as possible. Some easy ways to modify HIIT workouts for pregnancy are:

  • lowering the intensity of your exertion
  • exchanging some moves for others
  • doing a modified version of a certain move
  • shortening the time of all-out exertion of each exercise
  • lengthening the recovery period between sets (do not be afraid to take extra or longer breaks while exercising during pregnancy, it’s actually a good thing and very much required)

Modification gives you the ability to push harder and longer with your workout routine over the long haul. It helps you keep proper form and lessens the chance of injury.


Wrapping Up Is HIIT Training Safe During Pregnancy?

HIIT workouts can be a great way to stay active during your pregnancy, as long as you take things slowly at first and listen to your body. It is always best to check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or complications.

HIIT training is ideal for most women for the first and second trimesters of their pregnancies, the third trimester is a great time to scale back on this type of workout.

If you want to learn more about how to stay fit during pregnancy, be sure to check out the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan.


More Prenatal Exercise Info You’ll Love

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]]> 0 9693
How to Burn Fat While Pregnant: Safely Lose Weight and Gain More Slowly Fri, 11 Mar 2022 06:55:28 +0000 How to burn fat while pregnant. If you begin pregnancy overweight or obese how do you lose weight or burn fat during pregnancy? Learn how to safely lose weight, gain weight more slowly, and burn fat while pregnant. Yes, it can be done!     Why Would You Want to Burn Fat While Pregnant? We...

The post How to Burn Fat While Pregnant: Safely Lose Weight and Gain More Slowly appeared first on .

How to burn fat while pregnant. If you begin pregnancy overweight or obese how do you lose weight or burn fat during pregnancy? Learn how to safely lose weight, gain weight more slowly, and burn fat while pregnant. Yes, it can be done!


how to burn fat while pregnant


Why Would You Want to Burn Fat While Pregnant?

We all know that under most and normal circumstances, getting a positive pregnancy test is like a free ticket to gain a substantial amount of weight over the next 9 months.

And for the majority of women, this is a-okay! Pregnancy is not the time to be on a weight loss journey. In fact, most healthcare providers recommend that women gain between 25-35 pounds (11.33-15.88 kg) during pregnancy (depending on their BMI pre-pregnancy).

However, there may be some women who want to or need to burn fat during pregnancy. Maybe they started their pregnancy overweight or obese, maybe they have a history of gestational diabetes or high blood pressure, or maybe they are just not comfortable with the idea of putting on too much weight over the next few months as they know it can be far too easy to pack on the extra pounds and might feel themselves putting on too much (which can only be fat or water weight) and want to take the reins before their pregnancy weight gain gets out of control.

If that is you, read on! You CAN burn fat during pregnancy, but it will require some extra effort, vigilance, and modifications to your diet and exercise routine.


How to Safely Lose Weight or Burn Fat While Pregnant

The best way to lose weight or burn fat while pregnant is slowly. You should not aim for rapid weight loss during pregnancy as this can be dangerous for you and your baby.

Keep in mind that the advice in this article is not for everyone. If you are at a relatively healthy weight or underweight prior to conception you will want to be putting on 25-35 lbs to have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. You don’t need to be focusing on any weight loss right now.

You also always want to consult your trusted physician or midwife prior to attempting to lose weight or burn excess fat during pregnancy.

But what about if you begin your pregnancy overweight? You are not alone.

Approximately 30% of women begin pregnancy overweight. (source)

That’s a huge percentage. So if you began your pregnancy overweight and have found this article as a result, please know that it is extremely common. Nearly a third of all pregnant women find themselves in your shoes.

Learning how to gain minimal weight during pregnancy is important.


What happens if you gain too much weight during pregnancy?

If you don’t pay close attention to your prenatal diet and exercise routine it is extremely easy to pack on extra weight during pregnancy.

As your pregnancy progresses your baby gets bigger, you get bigger, your joints loosen, your posture suffers, and aches and pains can set in. All these things make it easier and easier to move less and add on additional pounds during pregnancy that aren’t necessary to grow the most healthy baby possible.

Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can result in:

  • gestational diabetes
  • complications during labor and delivery
  • high blood pressure
  • increased fatigue
  • increased pregnancy-associated aches and pains
  • sleep apnea
  • increased tendency to develop varicose veins
  • many dangers for the baby as well


Who should try to burn fat while pregnant?

If you are overweight at the start of your pregnancy you may want to burn fat while pregnant. You will be putting on additional weight during pregnancy.

But much like beginning a new workout routine when your body composition clearly changes but the scale does not, you are replacing the fat with a different weight.

In your case, it will be the weight of the baby, enlarged uterus, additional blood volume, etc. In the other example fat is replaced with muscle.

Unless you are 40+ pounds overweight you will not be aiming to lose weight during pregnancy. You will however want to aim to burn fat during pregnancy so that as you gain weight in other places that are inevitable during pregnancy, you are replacing the fat loss instead of gaining excess weight.


Is it safe to burn fat and exercise while pregnant?

Unless you are suffering from certain medical conditions that prevent exercise during pregnancy (there’s a list of such conditions in that linked article) prenatal exercise is now highly encouraged.

Pregnancy is no longer seen as a “condition” that a woman is in. In fact, we have learned through the studies of epigenetics during pregnancy that following a great prenatal exercise routine has huge benefits to both mother and baby like:

  • less pregnancy weight gain
  • less pregnancy-associated aches and pains
  • better sleep
  • a more comfortable pregnancy
  • increased motor development of the baby
  • increased metabolic function of the baby (through adulthood)
  • less propensity toward diabetes later in life for the baby
  • less propensity towards heart disease throughout life for the baby

Basically, whether you are trying to burn fat or not while pregnant, you absolutely want to be following a prenatal workout plan.

If the easier labor and more comfortable pregnancy for you aren’t reason enough in your mind, consider that your prenatal workouts will carry lifelong benefits to your baby by positively altering their genetics in utero.


the perfect pregnancy fitness plan


Exactly How to Burn Fat During Pregnancy

In order to lose weight or burn fat safely during pregnancy, you should:


Always first consult with your healthcare provider before starting any kind of weight loss program while pregnant.

Before you start any exercise routine when you’re pregnant, it’s important to talk to your doctor. That’s so they can make sure that it’s safe for you and your baby. Under most circumstances prenatal exercise is highly encouraged, but there are reasons you may want to abstain, postpone, or heavily modify prenatal workouts.


Eat a healthy diet full of whole foods that are low in processed sugars and unhealthy fats.

You might be surprised to learn about 5 foods you should be eating daily during pregnancy. And you also might be taken aback by 5 foods that you should completely avoid during pregnancy that your doctor probably won’t even mention.

The most important aspect of burning fat during pregnancy is paying close attention to your prenatal diet. There is no program more in depth and up-to-date regarding prenatal nutrition other than The Perfect Pregnancy Plan. It is absolutely without compare if you want to learn all the ins and outs of prenatal nutrition to grow a healthier baby and have a healthier pregnancy. Bonus:

it comes with a 40-week workout plan too!

To burn fat while pregnant you want to omit all “empty calories” and replace them with nutrient-dense foods. That doesn’t mean bland, boring, and gross. It means more whole foods, less processed foods, and lots of delicious recipes that support optimal prenatal development as you can find in The Perfect Pregnancy Plan.

You will want to focus on counting nutrients as opposed to calories once you get your eating on track. You will want to focus on mindful eating, and also on eating in smaller amounts more frequently throughout the day in order to burn fat while pregnant.


Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

You need to drink a lot of water during pregnancy. A lot of the additional weight you put on is actually fluids. Your blood volume doubles, you create amniotic fluid, etc.

Staying well hydrated by focusing on healthy drinks for pregnancy besides water will help you to eat less.

Did you know that a lot of the time when we think we are hungry we are actually just thirsty? That’s why if you are focusing on learning how to burn fat while pregnant I always recommend drinking a glass of water before eating when you feel hungry.

After that gauge whether or not you were actually hungry or just dehydrated before having that snack.

It’s also important to know what not to drink during pregnancy (besides alcohol of course.)


Get regular exercise.

This goes without saying though right? To burn fat during pregnancy you first want to get your eating and metabolism in check. Weight loss is over 75% diet. So without a proper diet, burning fat while pregnant will be impossible.

During your first trimester, you can pretty much exercise how you have been prior to pregnancy. But as the months go on your workouts will need to be more and more modified. Learn everything you want to know about how to exercise safely during pregnancy.

It is best to follow a clearly laid out prenatal workout plan like the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan.

The earlier you start your prenatal workout routine the better!


Get plenty of rest and sleep.

This suggestion might feel super easy with the exhaustion of pregnancy (especially early pregnancy or subsequent pregnancies). Or it might feel nearly impossible with some of the pregnancy aches and pains you may experience.

But getting enough sleep is extrememly important to burning fat.

It’s super interesting that Researchers found that when dieters cut back on sleep over a 14-day period, the amount of weight they lost from fat dropped by 55%, even though their calories stayed equal. according to WebMD.


the perfect pregnancy plan promo


Wrapping Up How to Burn Fat While Pregnant

So, in order to burn fat while pregnant, it is important to pay attention to your diet, drink plenty of water, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep. These are all essential for a healthy pregnancy – not just for burning fat and losing weight.

By following these guidelines, you can safely lose weight or burn fat during your pregnancy. Remember to listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard – you’re growing a human after all! Congratulations on making this healthy decision for you and your baby! You’ve got this mama!


More Prenatal Fitness Resources You’ll Love

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Pilates While Pregnant: Everything You Need to Know Mon, 07 Mar 2022 06:34:27 +0000 Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant? You’ve been wondering can you do pilates while pregnant? Is pilates good for pregnancy? Is pilates bad for pregnancy? Learn everything you want to know about doing pilates while pregnant here. **This post may contain affiliate links, please read full disclosure here.**   What is Pilates? Pilates is a...

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Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant?

You’ve been wondering can you do pilates while pregnant? Is pilates good for pregnancy? Is pilates bad for pregnancy? Learn everything you want to know about doing pilates while pregnant here.

**This post may contain affiliate links, please read full disclosure here.**

pilates while pregnant


What is Pilates?

Pilates is a form of exercise that is designed to stretch, and strengthen the body. It was created almost 100 years ago and is named after its creator: Joseph Pilates.

Pilates is a type of exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles. Pilates can be done in a Pilates studio, at home, or even outside. Pilates is a low-impact exercise, meaning it doesn’t put stress on your joints.

Pilates can be done with only your body weight, using bands and rings, or by using a Pilates reformer. 

Pilates is a great form of exercise, similar to yoga in that it focuses on stretching and breathing but definitely not the same. However they do blend together beautifully.

When doing Pilates expect to do small movements, lots of repetitions, and to really feel the burn.


Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant?

You will be pleased to know that you absolutely can  do Pilates during your pregnancy. In fact, Pilates is a great way to stay active during your pregnancy.

It can help keep you flexible, toned, and strong. Pilates can also help relieve some common pregnancy symptoms such as back pain and swelling.

However, it’s important to talk with your doctor before starting any type of exercise program during pregnancy. Pilates may not be appropriate for every pregnant woman. If you have any health concerns, or if you are experiencing complications, Pilates may not be the best choice for you.


RELATED: The Importance of a Prenatal Workout Plan and the Best one to Follow


Benefits of Doing Pilates While Pregnant

Pilates is one of the best types of workouts for pregnancy and especially for postpartum recovery. Pilates is low impact, meaning easy on the joints (like swimming or using resistance bands instead of weights). Low impact workotus are a great way to keep up with a prenatal workout plan through the second and third trimesters. 

During pregnancy it is so important to focus on strengthening the tansverse abdominus. This muscle acts as a corset, holding your waist (and now the baby) in. Also known as your TA or your deep core.

Only highly specific prenatal workout plans like The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan walk you through workouts that will strengthen your TA throughout your pregnancy which directly:

  • lowers the severity of diastasis recti
  • counteracts typical pregnancy aches and pains
  • aids in posture during pregnancy
  • speeds your postpartum recovery

Prenatal pilates also focuses a lot on strengtheing your TA muscles. 

It should be mentioned that regular Pilates (meaning not specifically prenatal Pilates) is also very beneficial to do during your pregnancy. You should always keep in mind all the considerations about how to exercise safely during pregnancy and modify or omit the moves that do not fit into that guide. 

Also knowing how to exercise safely in the 3rd trimester is important as well.

Benefits of doing Pilates during pregnancy are:

  1. Improved strength in your core muscles. (Your TA and all other core muscles as well.)
  2. Improved balance.
  3. Relaxing the neck, shoulders, and back.
  4. Preventing injuries.
  5. Relaxation and Stress management.
  6. Improved focus on breathing for labor.
  7. Improved posture.
  8. Increased flexibility.


the perfect pregnancy fitness plan


Hazards of Doing Pilates While Pregnant

Though Pilates is typically a great choice for a prenatal workout (in fact the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan has Pilates routines in it), not every move should be completed through every trimester and there are some people who shouldn’t exercise in this manner as per their doctor’s orders.

The best way to figure out while Pilates moves you should and should not be doing throught pregnancy is to first read this guide to safe prenatal exercise.

Some things to rememeber when doing Pilates while pregnant:

  • After about half way through your pregnancy you will want to avoid exercising flat on your back. Either eliminate moves on your back or use a bolster to raise up a bit.
  • You do not want to work out your abdominal muscles after the first trimester. You only want to be working out your deep core and obliques during your pregnancy.
  • If it feels wrong stop. 
  • Your joints are more loose while pregnant and even more so as your pregnancy progresses.
  • Your balance isn’t the same while pregnant.


How to Start Doing Pilates While Pregnant

Pilates is a great way to stay active during your pregnancy. It can help keep you flexible, toned, and strong. Pilates can also help relieve some common pregnancy symptoms such as back pain and swelling.

If your doctor gives you the go-ahead to do Pilates while pregnant, make sure to follow these tips:

  • Avoid doing Pilates on your back after the first trimester. Pilates on your back can decrease blood flow to the baby.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after Pilates class, and stay hydrated throughout your pregnancy.
  • Modify any exercises that are too challenging or uncomfortable.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or uncomfortable.
  • Take a break if you need it. Pregnant women should not do Pilates for more than an hour per day.

Pilates can be a great way to stay active and healthy during your pregnancy. Just make sure to talk with your doctor first, and always listen to your body. 


Great Pilates Moves to Do While Pregnant

The following are some popular Pilates moves:

This list is by no means all-inclusive! It’s just meant to get you started on your prenatal Pilates journey!


Wrapping Up Pilates While Pregnant: Everything You Want to Know

Pilates is a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy. Pilates can be done in the comfort of your own home, in a studio, or even outside, and it’s low-impact so it won’t put much strain on you joints.

Just make sure to talk with your doctor before starting Pilates while pregnant, because even though most will, not all women will benefit from Pilates during pregnancy.

If you’re given the green light, try out this Prenatal Pilates Routine from The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan, the only preventative prenatal fitness program that addresses changes and weaknesses in a pregnant woman’s body before they become an issue.


More Prenatal Workout Resources You’ll Love

Prenatal Yoga Routine

Prenatal Pilates Routine

First Trimester Cardio Workout


Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant?

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The Importance of a Pregnancy Workout Plan and the Best One to Follow Sun, 02 Jan 2022 18:10:00 +0000 Why Following a Prenatal Exercise Plan is so Important Working out during pregnancy is so important for the health of both mother and baby. There are many benefits to following an at home pregnancy workout plan for the baby’s health as well as the mothers health and comfort. In this article we will be detailing...

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Why Following a Prenatal Exercise Plan is so Important

Working out during pregnancy is so important for the health of both mother and baby. There are many benefits to following an at home pregnancy workout plan for the baby’s health as well as the mothers health and comfort. In this article we will be detailing the absolutely amazing health benefits for mother and baby that we now know prenatal exercise provides in 2022.

the importance of a prenatal workout plan

Why Would You Want to Work Out During Pregnancy?

There are so many reasons that working out during pregnancy can be beneficial. Not only to the mother, but through the study of epigenetics during pregnancy, we now know there are lifelong benefits to the baby as well.

The most obvious reason to follow a pregnancy workout plan is to help you gain the right amount of pregnancy weight. Even a fit “bump only” pregnancy takes a huge toll on your body. So you will want to aim for gaining the right amount of weight for your build and starting weight.

But another huge reason to follow a prenatal exercise plan is that working out during pregnancy (when done correctly) drastically reduces pregnancy aches and pains. Pregnancy can be uncomfortable and downright painful. By strengthening the right parts of your body during pregnancy, you can ease or eliminate many common pregnancy aches and pains.

Exercising during pregnancy can even help prepare you for an easier labor and delivery AND make postpartum recovery much easier.

But there are so many other advantages to following an at home prenatal exercise plan.


How Does Following a Pregnancy Workout Plan Benefit the Baby?

One of the most important reasons to follow a pregnancy workout plan is because it can help your baby grow into a healthier child and even into a healthier adult.

Many studies have found that following an at home prenatal exercise program increases your baby’s metabolism throughout their childhood and possibly beyond. In fact, it has been discovered that even with an obese mother or father, exercising during pregnancy would completely block the effects of the parents obesity in the offspring. “Turning on” genes for a more healthy metabolism. Point being, it is NEVER too late to start exercising to benefit your baby for their entire lives.

Additionally, at home pregnancy workouts can help to grow a healthier baby by increasing their metabolism and decreasing their propensity toward diabetes and heart disease.

With this early intervention, you are helping prevent serious health concerns in your baby decades down the road.

If that isn’t enough to inspire following 40 week workout plan, I don’t know what is!

prenatal nutrition and fitness

How to Start a Pregnancy Workout Plan

First and foremost you need to learn how to exercise safely during pregnancy. There are a lot of things that will need to change about how you work out depending on your starting level of fitness when you get pregnant, and how far along you are in your pregnancy. For instance, you will also need to know how to exercise safely in the third trimester. Because that is a whole different ball game!

What is the Best Pregnancy Workout Plan?

There are many pregnancy workout plans to chose from, but the best one comes in conjunction with the most revolutionary prenatal nutrition plan on the market.

As previously mentioned, we now know through the study of epigenetics during pregnancy that your lifestyle during pregnancy matters far more to growing a healthy child than we ever knew before.

We’ve known for decades that things like smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be harmful to the fetus. But we now know that what you eat, the specific nutrients you take in, and your activity levels all directly effect which genes are expressed in your baby.

Essentially turning on “good genes” and turning off “bad genes.”

The Perfect Pregnancy Plan is a 40 week workout (and diet if you want both) plan that walks you through how to eat and exercise to grow the healthiest baby possible.

Dramatically lowering their chances of having:

  • a metabolic disorder
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • autism
  • ADHD
  • and so much more.

Just by knowing how to eat and exercise throughout your pregnancy!

RELATED: Some of the Best Prenatal Workouts to Stream Online

how to eat and exercise during pregnancy

What Makes the Perfect Pregnancy Workout Plan so Good?

The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan is not nearly just aimed at gaining the right amount of pregnancy weight and having a “bump only” pregnancy. Sure those things are nice. They make it a lot more comfortable to grow a human and give you a lot more stamina throughout pregnancy and labor as well.

But what sets this plan apart is that it is the only prenatal workout plan designed with a mother’s everchanging needs throughout pregnancy in mind. This program was crafted by a Certified Fitness Trainer specializing in Lifestyle During Pregnancy (who happened to be pregnant herself when designing most of the program).

Each pregnancy ache and pain will be addressed PRIOR to you suffering pain from it. For example, you will begin strengthening your back in the workout plan before your belly weight is causing it to sway. You will be strengthening your core and pelvic floor in safe and progressive ways throughout your entire pregnancy. This not only better supports that growing bump, but also makes labor and postpartum recovery easier.

The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Plan is the only prenatal workout plan designed in this way throughout the full 40 weeks.

Additionally, you will learn about the benefits and studies showing the huge health benefits to your baby from keeping up with a pregnancy workout plan. Inspiring you to keep going knowing with confidence, that you are not only doing the best thing for yourself, but for your baby to benefit them throughout their entire lives.

Wrapping Up the Importance of a Pregnancy Workout Plan

A pregnancy workout plan, like the one we offer at The Perfect Pregnancy Plan is designed to meet your changing needs throughout each trimester of pregnancy. It also offers many benefits for both mother and baby that you may not have even known about!

With our 40 week exercise program, you will not only learn how to grow a healthy child by eating right and exercising during your pregnancy but also have less aches and pains as well as an easier labor due to strengthening exercises in early stages of your pregnancy.

Which fact was the most intriguing for you to learn about the benefits of prenatal exercise today? Let us know below!


More Prenatal Workout Resources You’ll Love

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]]> 0 9662
The Best at Home Prenatal Workouts Mon, 14 Dec 2020 02:20:02 +0000 At Home Pregnancy Exercises You need to work out during pregnancy. It is what is best for you and for your baby! But how can you do safe and effective pregnancy exercises at home? Learn the best prenatal workouts to do at home right here! **This post may contain affiliate links to items I own...

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At Home Pregnancy Exercises

You need to work out during pregnancy. It is what is best for you and for your baby! But how can you do safe and effective pregnancy exercises at home? Learn the best prenatal workouts to do at home right here!

**This post may contain affiliate links to items I own and feel would benefit you immensely, please read full disclosure here. NEVER begin a new exercise regime without your trusted physician’s prior consent.**

how to exercise at home while pregnant

Should You Do Prenatal Workouts?

By now you probably know that working out during pregnancy is vitally important to the mother and fetus’ health. The notion that women need to rest for the “condition” of pregnancy is an outdated myth. (Unless of course, you have specific contraindications that would bar you from participating in an exercise regime during pregnancy.)

Those who should not exercise during pregnancy are those with:

  1. Incompetent Cervix
  2. Vaginal Bleeding
  3. Ruptured Membranes
  4. Placenta Previa after 26 Weeks of Gestation
  5. Preterm Labor During THIS Pregnancy
  6. Risk of Preterm Labor with Multiples
  7. Severe Anemia
  8. Heart Disease
  9. Lung Disease
  10. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
  11. Preeclampsia (high blood pressure)

If you are not in any of those categories then you definitely should be participating in exercise during your pregnancy! 

But sometimes getting up off the couch during pregnancy is HARD! Pregnancy is EXHAUSTING! And not only in the first trimester as you may have been led to believe. And especially if this is not your first and you are already spending your days chasing after your wonderful little creations.


Find Confidence in at Home Prenatal Exercise

Even after reading everything in this article you still might not be confident in finding your own workouts for pregnancy and that’s ok. 

I created a course just for moms like you.

  • Moms who know that exercising while pregnant is one of the best things that they can do for their babies.
  • Moms who want a fit, healthy, more energetic, bump-only pregnancy.
  • Moms who want to know exactly how to strengthen their cores and pelvic floors, back and arms to have less pregnancy aches and pains, less or no incontinence, an easier labor, and less chance of suffering from diastasis recti.
  • Moms-to-be just like you.

The Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan is a specially crafted prenatal fitness program designed with all your prenatal needs in mind. This revolutionary program has all the workout routines you need for your entire pregnancy, and teaches you a whole lot about prenatal exercise.

Learn more about the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan and feel confident you are doing the best you can for your prenatal needs and your baby’s genetic outcome.


how to eat and exercise during pregnancy


So why should you even bother to exercise during pregnancy?

Because the benefits are huge! They not only affect how you will feel during this pregnancy, how much weight you will gain, and how much strength you will have to endure labor.

The benefits of exercising while pregnant also go directly to your baby! And not just how much they will weigh at birth. You exercising regularly during pregnancy can benefit your baby’s health throughout their entire lives by influencing their genetic programming.

But if you need more convincing to begin a prenatal exercise routine (according to actual scientific studies you can check out yourself) here are the benefits of working out during pregnancy:

  1. decreased risk of preeclampsia
  2. decreased risk of hypertension
  3. less instance of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
  4. more appropriate pregnancy weight gain (learn exactly how to gain the right amount of weight)
  5. decreased rate of spontaneous abortion
  6. decreased number of congenital abnormalities
  7. less incidence of preterm labor
  8. the babies of mothers who exercise regularly throughout their pregnancy have more normal growth and development
  9. you are more likely to deliver near your estimated due date (EDD)
  10. children whose mothers exercised while in utero weigh less and have less fat mass as a prepubescent child and often even into adulthood
  11. the offspring whose moms engaged in prenatal exercise had healthier hearts and less instance of heart disease through their adult lives!


Are there precautions to take when doing at home prenatal workouts?

Exercising while pregnant can be very different than exercising prior to conception.

There are certain types of exercise that need to be entirely avoided. Think contact sports and scuba diving.

But for the most part there are only simple modifications that will need to be made to your at home prenatal workout depending both on your fitness level prior to conception, as well as the trimester you are in. 

Learn everything you need to know to exercise safely in each trimester. Straight from a personal fitness trainer specializing in prenatal through postpartum exercise.


Are at Home Prenatal Workouts Effective?

You can absolutely have 100% success with at home workouts! I will warn you though:

working out at home requires a bit more motivation. Once you’re at a gym you really have no option but to workout, or look foolish, after all why else would you be there?

At home it is so much easier to make excuses to not exercise! The laundry needs done, the food needs prepped, and those Netflix shows aren’t gunna watch themselves!

In the Perfect Pregnancy Fitness Plan you get 20+ workouts, learn how to exercise in each trimester safely and effectively, AND get everything you need to motivate yourself to get moving while pregnant. Save 10% with code 10OFF this month only!

Being an in home personal fitness trainer who has never worked in a gym setting, let me assure you that ALL of your fitness goals can be reached at home! You can easily build a great home gym for pretty cheap, just pick up a few versatile pieces of equipment, or do body weight exercises and utilize what you already have at home!

As an in-home personal fitness trainer who happens to also be very budget-minded, here are a few of my favorite pieces of workout equipment I think you should have on hand. They are versatile AND extremely affordable.


Plus we have the wonderfully versatile free resource of YouTube on hand at all times! It is 100 times more motivating to workout while pregnant when you follow along with a video.

Even I personally had a lot of trouble kicking my motivation into gear to workout during the first trimester, so I used these secret tricks to get it done every day anyways! (Or at least five days a week.)


How to Stay Motivated to Do at Home Prenatal Workouts?

While looking up prenatal workouts like those listed below on you tube can be a great free resource, it really doesn’t push that motivation into gear for most people.

A lot of us need a little more motivation and guidance to get our workouts in regularly… especially during pregnancy!

The Perfect Pregnancy Plan has amazing workouts all laid out for you. But I have another great tip for those who need a little more hands on motivation!

As a certified online health coach I also run an online fitness club for ladies just like you! With daily check ins, a motivating team, and daily workouts laid out for you! Not to mention we tackle health in ALL aspects every month. Diet, recipes, mental health, and more!

If that’s something you’d like to learn a little more about I would love to chat! You can read more about my virtual fit club here

So let’s get into some awesome at home workouts for each trimester!!


prenatal nutrition and fitness


The Best at Home Prenatal Workouts

Home Workout Routines for the First Trimester:


  1. First Trimester Full Body Pregnancy Cardio Workout
  2. No Crunch Ab Workout (It is really good to strengthen your core before you start to stretch out in the midsection. Be sure to complete abdominal bracing prior to each exercise.)
  3. Bye bye Flabby Arms Tricep Routine
  4. First Trimester Perfect 15 Minute Cardio Workout (VIDEO)
  5. 15 Minute Cardio & Strength 1st Trimester Workout (VIDEO)
  6. 25 Minute 1st Trimester Beginners Yoga Flow (VIDEO)


Home Workout Routines for the Second Trimester:

  1. Morning Yoga Flow for Back Pain
  2. Full Body Park Bench Workout (you can totally use a coffee table or chair to do this in your house!)
  3. Bumpin’ Body Prenatal Workout from Tone it Up (VIDEO)
  4. 25 Minute 2nd Trimester Body Weight Workout (VIDEO)
  5. Deep Core and Pelvic Floor Pregnancy Strengthening (VIDEO)


Home Workout Routines for the Third Trimester:

Let me preface by saying that even if you read the thorough awesome guide linked earlier in this article about how to exercise safely during pregnancy, that working out in the third trimester is a whole different ballgame!

Unless you are one of the super lucky few, you are going to be really uncomfortable. Most motions are tough at this point, your joints are really loose, and you get winded very easily. Learn exactly how to safely and effectively exercise in the third trimester before starting these routines.

  1. Third Trimester Yoga for an Easier Labor and Delivery
  2. Third Trimester Cardio Workout (VIDEO) (Modify of skip any plank exercise if it feels bad on your linea alba or if you have abdominal separation)
  3. 3rd Trimester Pregnancy Workout at Home (VIDEO)
  4. The 3 Most Important 3rd Trimester Exercises


Wrapping Up the Best Pregnancy Workouts to Do at Home

This list includes a little something for everyone. Lots of different types of pregnancy safe exercises. Some with videos to follow along, others with photos and really detailed instructions. Some cardio, some yoga, and everything in between.

You will find that quite a few of these routines can cross into different trimesters as well. Definitely anything for the 3rd trimester is safe for the first and second as well. Likewise the at home pregnancy workouts designated for the second trimester are safe for the first also.

Stay safe and listen to your body above all when exercising during pregnancy.

It is very important to focus primarily on keeping your back, core, and pelvic floor strong throughout pregnancy. I also recommend getting your shoulders and arms strong as well before baby comes to alleviate the strain of carrying them all the time.

Which workout is your favorite?


At Home Pregnancy Exercises

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